- The Economist


Sunday, 12 March 2017

Nominal versus Real Cash Balances:
At the outset it is important to introduce the distinction between nominal and real cash balances. Cash balances are another term for money. Nominal cash balances are money of the current purchasing power of a unit of money (say, a rupee). Real cash balances are money of some base-year purchasing power. A nominal rupee is nominally always a rupee. But its purchasing power in terms of real goods and services can vary from time to time with changes in the general price level.
Then, it is said that the real value (purchasing power) of a (nominal) rupee has been changing over time. For making real-value comparisons, first a reference point or a base year is chosen. Suppose we choose 1961-62 as our base year with the wholesale price index number =100. A rupee in this year had a certain amount of purchasing power at the prices prevailing during the year. Suppose the average value of this index number for the year 1979-80 was 400.
Then, the purchasing power or value of a nominal rupee at the 1979-80 prices was only one-fourth of what it was at the 1961-62 prices. That is, one rupee in 1979-80 could buy only as much goods and services as only 25 paise could buy in 1961-62.
The intervening fourfold rise in prices has reduced the real value of a rupee from that of a rupee to that of a quarter of a rupee. If some other year (say, 1938-39) with a lower price level than that of 1961-62 were chosen, the real value of a nominal rupee in 1979-80 would turn out to be lower still in comparison with its real value in the new base year.
Thus, technically, real cash balances are given by nominal cash balances deflated by the price level. That is if M and P are used denote nominal money and the price level (index number) respectively, then the real cash balances will be given by M/P. The latter will be measured in terms of the purchasing power or money in the year which serves as the base year for the price index number measuring P.
Whenever changes in P take place, the distinction between nominal and real cash balances (and for that matter, between any nominal quantity and its real value) becomes relevant. For the analysis of the demand for money therefore, we have to decide whether what the public wants to hold is some nominal quantity of money or some real quantity of it. This is one way of bringing P as one of the determinants’ of the nominal demand for money.

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